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www afd csdindia gov in Registration and Login 2024

CSD Canteen www afd csdindia gov in Registration and Login 2024

www afd csdindia gov in Registration 2024: To use the official CSD (Canteen Stores Department) shopping portal at for 2024, you must complete a one-time registration and obtain approval from the CSD AFD team. This online service is not available to everyone; it is intended solely for members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and their families. If you hold a CSD Smart Card, you are eligible to register on this platform. Access to the website for browsing products and pricing will be granted only after your approval by the CSD AFD Team.

Important Announcement from the CSD AFD Team: The AFD portal has undergone an upgrade, incorporating improved security measures. Services for beneficiaries will be available again starting August 24, 2024. Please note that logging in with your old password is no longer possible; you will need to create a new password to access your account.

www afd csdindia gov in Registration Short Details

Subjectafd csdindia gov in Registration
DepartmentCanteen Stores Department
UnderMinistry of Defence
Offline StoreUnit Run Canteen
BeneficiariesCSD Smart Card Holders
Home PageClick Here

afd csdindia gov in Registration Process

The online registration process is very simple in the CSD AFD portal. You can fill up the application form within half an hour! Before that, you have to keep all the service details with your URC Smart card. The AFD Help Desk number is 0120-6933434 (Timing 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM from Monday to Sunday). Availing of Services on the CSD-AFD online Portal is absolutely free. In case, anyone asks for any money for the registration/filling form on the portal or getting a supply order released, it should be immediately reported to

Documents Required for Regsitration in afd csdindia gov in

To register for CSD AFD, you need to provide several essential documents, including a valid Smart Canteen Card, a PPO (for former military personnel), and a PAN number. Additionally, ensure you have the following details ready:

  • URC Smart Card ID
  • Employment Status
  • Chip Number
  • Organization
  • Date of Birth
  • Date of Enrollment
  • Date of Retirement
  • Entitlement Category
  • Pay Level

How to get Approval from the AFD CSD Team?

Once you have successfully registered on the CSD AFD online platform, expect to receive an email regarding the approval of your request within three business days, but no later than a week. The team will verify your information against the documents submitted by your employer. Should they find any discrepancies in your application, you will promptly receive a notification in your email. If you provide the necessary clarifications, approval can be granted, allowing you access to the portal. After your application is approved, you will receive a message containing a link to reset your password. You can then easily update your password and log into the portal.

How to Change Password in afd csdindia gov in Registration Portal?

To reset your password, please select the link provided in the Notice Box. Input your username or email address, and you will receive an email containing a link to set a new password. Once you click the link, you will be taken to a different webpage where you can update your password. Remember to keep this password confidential and do not share it with anyone else.